SoulCycling, the Static Bike Workout Wheeling It's Way to Pakistan

SoulCycling, the Static Bike Workout Wheeling It's Way to Pakistan
SoulCycle, the static bike workout with added motivational psychology, has swept its way from the US to UK and now to other parts of the world. In Pakistan, a similar concept of cycling has recently emerged. Imagine sitting on a stationary bike in a dark room without jumping around or using the treadmill, it may seem rather unusual and absurd, however, this trend is picking up and people are more likely than ever to give it a try if not conform to this promising work out.

This is no ordinary kind of a work out rather, a therapeutic experience. It is the brainchild of two businesswomen who found regular gym classes boring and decided to make this a body and life changing experience. It is conditioning your body and mind to think positively, work harder than ever while having a blast.

Speakers reverberate as the lights turn dimmer and the trainer starts instructing. Though all parts of your body are worked, the focus remains mostly on your lower body. Alongside, cycling the trainers add a unique twist to the work out by using inspirational words to encourage participants and provide a positive vibe across the studio. Classes are customised and some may have glow sticks resembling a night club while some may have bright lights - exercises may also vary based on the instructor and class being offered. One thing is for sure - these classes will make you ditch your morning lattes for green tea!

Typically, the value of a workout is not measured by how it makes us feel, rather in how many calories we burn or how much we pay for the session. The emergence of such a work out reminds us that a work out is more than sweating it out in the moment but the entire experience of it and how it pays off in the long run.

Have you tried out this work out? Leave your feedback in the comments below! 

  • In: Lifestyle