4 Quick No-Equipment Workouts You Can Easily Do at Home

4 Quick No-Equipment Workouts You Can Easily Do at Home
Fitness may need a whole lot of motivation but doesn’t always require too much equipment. Taking out time from your busy schedule to go to the gym and work out isn’t always easy. Here are a few exercise routines that can shape your whole body from home without a fee!

  1. Squats

Squats target the hips and legs to tone them up. Stand straight with feet hip-width apart. Stand with your feet apart, directly under your hips, and stretch your arms forward. Tighten your stomach muscles and lower down, as if sitting. Straighten your legs to get back up. Repeat the movement. To switch it up you can squat and jump or squat using weights.

  1. Plank

Start by getting into a press up position. Bend your elbows and rest your weight ono your forearms and not on your hands. Your body should form a straight line from shoulders to ankles. Engage your core by sucking your belly button into your spine. Hold this position for as long as you can. Increase the time as days pass.

  1. Push ups

Get into a high plank position. Place your hands firmly on the ground, directly under shoulders. Begin to lower your body, keeping your back flat and eyes focused about three feet in front of you to keep a neutral neck—until your chest grazes the floor.

Push back up.

  1. Lunge

Keep your upper body straight, with your shoulders back and relaxed and chin up. Step forward with one leg, lowering your hips until both knees are bent at about a 90-degree angle.

Do try out these exercises and share your feedback in the comments below! 

  • In: Lifestyle