Pakistan's very own Mystery Man: Shaheer Khan

Pakistan's very own Mystery Man: Shaheer Khan
We expect gypsies with their trinkets and glowing orbs to tell us things that are secret, we expect magicians to be in a magician's hat and a long cape to entertain us with tricks or you expect to see someone like Chris Angel Mind freak with kohl in his eyes and disheveled hair to perform disappearing acts. Shaheer Khan, does all that without looking remotely close to any such stereotype.

A mentalist? A hypnotist? A magician? Shaheer Khan doesn't like being labeled and calls himself a 'mystery performer'. His act and antics are what has swept the entire nation and he can be seen on almost all the TV channels, baffling the audience with his amazing theatrics.

On looking at him, you'd never guess that his performance comprises of so many bits of what we call 'performing magic'. When we reached out to him, we had no idea that we'd have this young boy casually strutting in our office saying hi to everybody and greeting them. We were expecting someone a bit more brooding and mysterious, but Shaheer turned out to be an amazingly warm and well-cultured guy, the kind of guy that you're generally friends with.

Shaheer got interested in magic when he'd see this hawker who'd be outside his school, selling magic tricks. He laughingly recalls that everyone would watch him as he'd perform his tricks but no one would actually go upto him and buy those tricks except for Shaheer. That was when he realized that he loved magic and definitely had a knack for it.

Naturally intuitive, Shaheer recalls that he has always had a very strong sixth sense and that's what he built himself on to become this grand performer that we see today. He started learning these tricks and started practicing them at a young age of 11, with avid reading and practice, he just kept on improving from there.

Fairly young, at mere 26 years of age Shaheer has made a name for himself by being the first of his kind from Pakistan to be performing such tricks. He is a part of a global group of performers who gather together to bring the best of these theatrics.

Although, he's coming on almost on all the popular channels and has done a number of theatre shows, you don't see it in his stride. We had him perform a few tricks in our office and we were pleasantly surprised by how accurate he was!

Genuinely humble and positively charming, Shaheer believes that he owes everything he's achieved so far to the relentless support he's received from his parents and his family.
We asked if he'd has any religious opposition to his performances and he gleefully expressed that so far his entire journey has been pretty smooth sailing in terms of backlash and opposition.
As a young boy, Shaheer could never have fathomed in his wildest dreams that he would one day grow up to be a performing artist. He wanted to become an astronaut.
But, lucky for us, that didn't pan out and now we have Shaheer Khan - Pakistan's first mystery performer!

He has massive projects in the pipeline and we'll be seeing him a lot more on our screens. We wish him all the best for all his future endeavors and will always be rooting for him!

  • In: Lifestyle