6 Nighttime Habits That Make You Gain Weight

6 Nighttime Habits That Make You Gain Weight
1. Not Getting Enough Sleep


  • It affects your metabolism and makes it much slower.

  • Not getting enough sleep makes you feel hungry and you end up eating.

  • You exercise less because it makes you tired.


Get at least 8 hours of sleep at night.

2. You Overeat At Dinner


  • You eat way too much or too heavy food, and as a result your digestion slows, especially at  night.

  • You tend to watch TV while eating, which also makes you want to eat more.


Opt for a light dinner that mainly consists of proteins and vegetables.

3. You Snack After Dinner


  • You overeat and consume extra calories.

  • You get extra energy that will keep you .


  • Avoid any junk food after dinner.

  • For a late snack, choose something light, healthy and easy to digest.

4. You Tend To Skip Dinner


  • It doesn't help you lose much weight rather slows your metabolism.

  • It’ll only make you feel even more hungry at your next meal.

  • You lose muscle tissue, and your skin gets loose.


Even if you don’t have time or an appetite for a proper meal, try to grab a piece of fruit or some vegetables.

5. You Are Using A Cell Phone or Computer Before Bed


  • Light emitted by cell phones and laptops affects sleep and health.

  • Radio frequency waves also causes lack of sleep.


Switch off electronic devices at least one hour before going to bed. In turn, read a book or listen to relaxing music instead.

6. You Go To Bed Everyday Late


  • Going to bed way past midnight makes you gain weight because it not part of the natural body cycle.

  • It makes you binge eat at odd hours of the night.

Go to bed as soon as you feel sleepy. If you are active or upbeat at the end of your day, try to include some physical exercises.

  • In: Lifestyle