5 Best Ab Exercises of All Time

5 Best Ab Exercises of All Time
1. Spider man plank crunch

Start in a plank position with your forearms on the ground and your body perfectly straight. Bring your right knee forward towards your right elbow, rest your foot there for a few seconds then return to the plank position. Repeat by bringing your left knee toward your left elbow. That’s one rep. Alternate sides for a total of 10 complete reps.

2. Bicycle crunch

Lie on your back with your hands behind your head, and your legs raised. Alternate sides by bringing your right elbow towards your left knee then your left elbow towards your right knee. Go slow and steady and try to hold the crunch on each side for five seconds.

3. Leg raises

Lie on your back with your hand under your hips. Raise your legs, keeping your knees straight (both at the same time) and bring them all the way down, a few inches before the floor, making sure that you don't touch the ground. Do about a total of 20 reps.

4. Russian twist

Lie on your back with your feet steadily placed on the ground and your legs should be bent at the knees. Elevate your upper body so that it creates an imaginary V-shape with your thighs. Twist your torso to the right side until your arms are parallel with the floor while breathing out, alternate to each side, using a light weight.

5. Mountain climbers

Start in a plank position, with your palms pressing firmly down and your body perfectly straight. Bring your right knee in towards your chest and alternate. In simpler words, run in your plank. Do a total of 30 reps.

Did you try out these exercises? Leave your feedback in the comments below! 

  • In: Lifestyle