We Need To Save The Injured Himalayan Brown Bear At Islamabad Zoo

We Need To Save The Injured Himalayan Brown Bear At Islamabad Zoo
An 8-year-old Himalayan brown bear at Islamabad Zoo is nursing an open wound on his foot, which most likely seems to be maggot infested. Thousands of visitors and animal lovers now demand action to save his life.

The poor cub is malnourished, suffering from mange and limping around his cemented enclosure with a gaping wound at least two weeks old. His sister, also wild-caught, has already died at the same zoo. 

Instead of taking proper care and putting the bear in excruciating pain why isn't Islamabad Zoo doing anything about this? Why is the bear still on display entertaining visitors?

Pakistan Animal Welfare Society has given some amazing tips that the zoo's team needs to take into consideration and immediate actions needs to be taken. Read below what they had to suggest:

  • Confine him to a squeeze cage for the treatment duration. Sedate using an appropriate and safe dose of anaesthesia. If he has maggots, inject Negasunt or any available appropriate medicine into his wound. Make sure the entire wound is filled.

  • After 5 to 10 minutes, inject more and more of this medicine till the time the last maggots stop appearing. Begin an antibiotic course. Use the human medicine Velosef as its safe and reliable for bears. Begin multivitamins. Mycom is easily available and effective.

  • Spray choona (lime powder) around the squeeze cage to keep flies away. Keep the bear confined for several days till the time the wound closes and he recovers completely. Once wound heals, begin treatment for mange. Soak him in Amitraz wash.

  • In addition, administer medicines for endo/ecto parasites twice a year. Ivomec is recommended and can be sourced by the zoo’s veterinary medicine supplier.

  • His dietary needs should be looking after, and keeping an eye on his protein, carbohydrate, fat, minerals and vitamins intake. You only need to feed him milk for a while to aid in his recovery.

  • Also, include lentils, corn, bone meal, beef, chicken, fruits and vegetables, sugarcane and several different kinds of grains. Stale leftover roti (bread) is not a suitable diet and the result of that is visible to visitors who wonder why the bear looks like a complete mess.

Lets all spread the word and hope this cutie gets the right treatment and has a quick recovery!