Naming and Shaming Typical Summer Fashion Mistakes (& How to Avoid Them)

Naming and Shaming Typical Summer Fashion Mistakes (& How to Avoid Them)
In the fashion world, not all trends are created equal. We've seen some pretty bad looks in our day.

These fashion faux pas make us cringe.

1. Socks and sandals.. need we say more? Don't do it!

2. Men with tight swimming trunks.. no thanks..!

3. Just cuz it zips don't mean it fits.. ladies..throw out last year's super tight jeans and trousers!

4. T-shirts with obscenities! So passé .. *yawn*

5. Wraparound shades.. Unless you're a cyborg who's descended to Earth with the sole aim of destroying all civilization..

6. Dare to bare..plunging necklines are just tacky.. the Fabio look is best saved for the beach.

  • In: Fashion