A Brand That Remained True To It’s Core Essence - Capri

A Brand That Remained True To It’s Core Essence - Capri

Capri – Caring and Protecting together!

There is no denying the fact that in today’s age – things are evolving so quickly, that businesses have started to give back to the community as one of the primary ways to stand out in the crowd. Passion for a cause is a great way of creating trust within a consumer-based – and ever since the pandemic hit the world, brands have had to step up to deliver on their promise to ‘care’. One brand that we have constantly seen remaining true to its core essence of ‘caring’ has been Capri.

‘Caring’ – has always been at the heart of the business for Capri, who for the past 50 years has extended into multiple categories, providing not only skin care and cleanliness from germs but also the promise of soft and beautiful skin. Today, Capri is playing an active role in creating awareness about better hygiene practices through various initiatives – from donations to Public Service Messages, to reaching out to the general public through various campaigns – Capri has been on the top of its game.

Riding on the renewed surge in consumption of hygiene products – with the best bet against the deadly pandemic being hand washing, Capri continues to reinforce keeping yourself safe and protected with its care. Coupled with CSR, awareness, and uplifting social campaigns, the brand has stood its ground as an ethically and socially responsible product. This Woman’s Day, Capri sparked an empowering movement, encouraging and championing women from all walks of life by sharing their proudest moments and achievements, reminding us where self-love begins.

All in all, Capri has been spreading both cleanliness and beauty, standing with the people to fight against the pandemic by bursting myths and spreading awareness messages. Customers are loving the opportunity to invest in socially responsible products – and Capri has been standing at the top of that hill.

  • In: Magazine