Home Remedies for Dry and Damaged Hair

Home Remedies for Dry and Damaged Hair
If your hair is extremely damaged, there is no need to panic. All the ingredients that can boost the levels of protein in your hair are most likely laying in your kitchen.

1. Botanical Oil:

For healthy and shiny hair, botanical oils are the way to go. They leave your hair sparkling, and most importantly looking strong. The way to go about this is to apply small amounts of botanical oil; until your hair is completely covered. Leave it for approximately an hour and then shampoo as per usual.

2. Egg & Shampoo:

If you mix one egg with your daily shampoo while showering, it adds immense amounts of protein to your hair. Mix with your daily dose of shampoo and leave in your hair for 5 minutes. Wash of as usual.

3. Avocado:

Avocado mashed and mixed with eggs makes the perfect hair mask for the perfect hair repair. Remove the skin of the avocado, mix with eggs, and apply to your wet hair. Avocados are known to be rich in vitamins, so this mask adds the life back to your hair. Leave on for approximately 20 minutes.

4. Mayonnaise:

Use either homemade or organic mayonnaise and massage it through your damp hair, let it sit in your hair for about 30 minutes before rinsing with warm water.

5. Onion Juice:

Onion Juice has high levels of Vitamin A, B and C. This nourishes your dry ends tremendously. For the best results - add union juice to the ends of your hair and leave for 15-20 minutes, then shampoo as per usual.

  • In: Lifestyle